Presenters and attendees from a previous Writing Showcase discuss a poster presentation

Thank you for visiting the 2020 Writing Showcase. Events such as the Writing Showcase, where students can share their work with audiences beyond their classrooms, are important for gaining professional experience, for declaring pride in one’s work, for articulating knowledge, and, we hope, for enjoyment, too. Thank you for supporting this event and especially the student writers whose work is showcased here.

“Do you think a robot is ‘cute’?” by Rafaela Averbeck
“Child Abuse and Neglect” by Allison Brockman
“Tools for Writing in the Field of Science” by Brooklyn Burns
“Nancy Drew: A Feminist Icon or a Problematic Figure of the Patriarchy and White Privilege” by Elizabeth Farren
“The Effects of Attractive Models in Media on the Self-Esteem of Women” by Abby Sherwood
“62” by Dawn Violet Todd