Volume XXXVII, no. 1

37.1 Table of Contents
Micah Cratty “Goon”
Felicia Krol “Anything at All”
Reem Abu-Baker “My Mother, the Volatile Elements”
Thea Swanson “Madonna Girls”
Claire Nuttall “As We Did”
Thomas White “Bendle”
Andres Rojas “American Piece”
Ricardo Pau-Llosa “Farm”
Gabrielle Bates “Monologue with a Flat Hand”
Andrew Collard “Silent Tires”
Julie Henson “Last Stand”
Madeleine Wattenberg “Two Poems”
M. E. MacFarland “Three Poems”
Stephanie Bryant Anderson “The Visit to Fort Defiance”
Corrie Lynn White “Object Permanence”
Stephanie Dickinson “Two Poems”
Denise Jarrott “Nude, Partially Draped”
Jaya Stenquist “Glass Complex”
Kristina Marie Darling “Jane Dark Goes to Sleep”
Chris Haven “The Underneath”
Caroline Crew “Divisions of the Body”
Amelia Fowler “Moonrise in Utero”
Ruy Belo Two Poems
Translated from the Portuguese by Alexis Levitin
Translation Chapbook
Circe Mala A Confused Choir of Intermingled Voices
Translated from the Spanish and Introduced by Jesse Lee Kercheval
The 2016 Fineline Competition
First Prize
John Sibley Williams “We Can Make a Home of It Still”
Micah Dean Hicks “Our Sun”
Felicia Zamora “Crow & the Plow”
Jaclyn Bergamino “Release”
Brian Clifton “The Introvert’s Guide to Dreams”
Ori Fienberg “Minotaur Seeks Real Estate Agent to Find New Maze”
Andy Fogle “Field Trip”
Justin Herrmann “Early Harvest”
Catherine Moore “Collapsed”
Kristen Steenbeeke “I Keep My Visions to Myself”
The 2016 AWP Intro Journals Awards
Anna Caritj “A Short Walk up Graves Hill”
Audrey Gradzewicz “Poem for the God of Cities Left Burning”
What We’re Reading
Estranger by Erik Anderson, reviewed by Rebecca Orchard
Playful Song Called Beautiful by John Blair, reviewed by Benji Katz
Remarkable by Dinah Cox, reviewed by Olivia Buzzacco
Of Poetry and Protest, edited and compiled by Philip Cushway, reviewed by Coral Nardandrea
Bob Serger’s House And Other Stories, edited by Michael Delp and M.L. Liebler, reviewed by Samuel J. Adams
Field Guide to the End of the World by Jeannine Hall Gailey, reviewed by Tanja Vierrether
The Capital of Kansas City by Gary Gildner, reviewed by Nick Heeb
Landscape with Headless Mama by Jennifer Givhan, reviewed by Lisa Favicchia
One-Hundred-Knuckled Fist by Dustin M. Hoffman, reviewed by Teri Dederer
The Grass Labyrinth by Charlotte Holmes, reviewed by Elena M. Aponte
Of This New World by Allegra Hyde, reviewed by Raegen Pietrucha
Transient by Gail Carson Levine, reviewed by Roseanna Boswell
Magpies in the Valley of Oleanders by Kyle McCord, reviewed by Eric Komosa
Mysteries in a World That Thinks There Are None by Gary McDowell, reviewed by Jacob Hall
Where We Go When All We Were Is Gone by Sequoia Nagamatsu, reviewed by Nathaniel Meals
The Divine Magnet: Herman Melville’s Letters to Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Mark Niemeyer, reviewed by Olivia Zolciak
The End of Pink by Kathryn Nuernberger, reviewed by Remi Recchia
Local Extinctions by Mary Quade, reviewed by Jen Pelto
Book of No Ledge: Visual Poems by Nance Van Winckel, reviewed by Luke Marinac
When We Were Birds by Joe Wilkins, reviewed by Dan Gualtieri
Prayer Book of the Anxious by Josephine Yu, reviewed by Abigail Cloud