Contributor Interviews

MAR Asks, George Choundas Answers

How can you possibly not read a contributor interview in which the writer describes his story as “Little Red Riding Hood kicks all manner of ass?” So please, read on and learn more about George Choundas, whose fiction and nonfiction appear in over twenty-five publications, including The Southern Review, The American Reader, and Subtropics. He...

MAR Asks, Doug Ramspeck Answers

Today, we’re pleased to introduce Doug Ramspeck, whose poem, “Unblessing,” appears in MAR 35.1. Ramspeck is the author of four poetry books. His most recent collection, Original Bodies, was selected for the Michael Waters Poetry Prize and is published by Southern Indiana Review Press. Two earlier books also received awards: Mechanical Fireflies (Barrow Street Press...

MAR Asks, Rebecca Foust Answers

Today on the blog we have Rebecca Foust, whose poem, “Dynamic Response of Multi-Layered Soil Media in the Frequency Domain,” appears in MAR 35.1 and was recently reprinted in Poetry Daily. Foust’s fifth book, Paradise Drive, wonthe 2015 Press 53 Award for Poetry and will be released in April. Here, she discusses living in Robert...

MAR Asks, Molly Spencer Answers

Everyone watches a girl unfold into a woman, and I hid in the shade of my thorn-dark hair when my father’s friends looked at me too long. This is the the opening of Molly Spencer’s poem, “Aubade with Book and Angel,” which appears in our latest issue of MAR 35.1. Molly’s here to today to...

MAR Asks, Melissa Stephenson Answers

We have quite a few new contributor interviews for issue 35.1 in the hopper, but until then, let’s focus on this fun, witty interview with Melissa Stephenson. Her poem, “After Mating for Life,” appears in 34.2. Melissa Stephenson lives, plays, and writes in Missoula, Montana. Her fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have appeared or are forthcoming...

MAR Asks, Estanislao Lopez Answers

Our first contributor interview for 2015 will also be our penultimate contributor interview from Vol. XXXIV, Number 2. Turn to page 150 of that issue, and you’ll find Estanislao Lopez’s haunting  poem, “The Politics of Rivers.” From the opening lines (“Behind brown sheets of dust, my grandfather’s voice / ripened with stories he thought forgotten”)...

MAR Asks, James Warner Answers

While the protagonist in James Warner’s short story, “Using the Word ‘Posterity’ in a Sentence,” finds himself slowly being erased, there’s no forgetting this quirky tale, which appears in MAR‘s Spring 2014 issue (Vol. XXXIV, Number 2). James Warner’s stories are forthcoming most imminently in ZYZZYVA and Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, and have appeared most...

MAR Asks, Carrie Shipers Answers

This latest contributor interview may go down in MAR history for being the only one to include a sentence like, “His biggest decision is whether to lick his rear end before or after he takes a nap.” But that kind of poetic insight is what we’re here for, folks. Enjoy this lively interview with Carrie...

MAR Asks, Laura Madeline Wiseman Answers

Martian mascots, murder cases, James Bond, and geography spanning from Russia to Nebraska? It’s all part of our inaugural Mid-American Review contributor interview with author Laura Madeline Wiseman, whose creative nonfiction piece “From Russia with Love Melancholia” appeared in our Spring 2014 issue (Vol. XXXIV, Number 2). Here’s a quick sampling from the essay: “Do...